Page 14 – Cutie Mark Profit MarginSeveral artists and writers in the fandom like to portray Cutie Marks as bad things, pigeonholing ponies into into one talent that they can’t escape for the rest of their lives.
I personally believe that ponies can get lots of mileage out of their Cutie Mark talents, more than most people realize. Applejack’s player demonstrates just a little bit of that.
Applejack:</ahem><ahem> As. I. Was. Saying.<br/>
Applejack: Applejack’s Cutie Mark is three red apples. My special talent is, in a nutshell, running Sweet Apple Acres! Everything that needs doing in the apple business – planting, harvesting, baking, selling – Applejack’s just naturally good at.<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: Wow, that’s a lot more thought-out than my special talent. To be honest, I just picked “magic” for the gameplay benefits.<br/>
Applejack: Heh heh heh… But there IS a gameplay benefit.<br/>
Applejack: Since my character’s special talent is running a business, it’s reasonable that she gets a steady income of gold.<br/>
Twilight Sparkle: That’s… clever.<br/>
DM: I only let her get away with it because she provided so much content.