Gallus: [enters dental clinic] “I’ve come for my rescheduled appointment, Dr Minue- Gabby? What are you doing here?”
Gabby: “Oh, Minuette told me you were coming, and thought I would be better with griffon dentistry. Come sit here, Gallus!” [pats the dentist chair] “So, have there been any issues with your teeth lately?”
Gallus: [climbs and sits on the dentist chair] “Well… My teeth are fine, but my beak’s been getting very loose…” [looks down at his beak nervously, and pops it off with his right claw effortlessly] “See?”
Gabby: “Hmm… Let me take a look.” [grabs Gallus’ beak and examines it closely] “You know, it’s natural for us griffons to have our beaks dislocated or detached from time to time. Have you tried brushing the back of your beak more often?”
Gallus’ beak: “But that’s where it’s most ticklish… Is there any cream or medication I can use instead?”
Gabby: “Not that I know of. In fact, applying anything — especially superglue — would damage your beak and feathers. But if you keep brushing the back of your beak, I guess I could recommend an exercise that would strengthen its suction…”
Gallus’ beak: “Really?”
Gabby: “Mhm! Watch.” [shows Gallus the back of his beak, demonstrating the exercise to him as she describes it] “Pinch the back of your beak a few times slowly, first vertically, then horizontally. Massage the corners of your beak, before squeezing your beak in the front-back direction. Then repeat it as often as you’d like!”
Gallus’ beak: [grimaces in her claws] “Oy, that kinda hurts. Are you sure this works?”
Gabby: “We learnt this at college, so it should!” [hands Gallus’ beak back to him] “Now you try!”
Gallus: [grabs his beak from Gabby, and tries to follow her instructions]
Gallus’ beak: “So, I pinch the back of my beak downwards… and sideways…”
Gabby: “Not that quickly, Gallus. Look, let me show you again.” [pulls her own beak off to demonstrate]
Gabby’s beak: “Remember, press… hold… then let go.”
Gallus’ beak: “Yeah, I know. I just wanted to be sure I got the steps right first. Then I squeeze it in the fro-”
Gabby’s beak: “No, squeezing comes later. Massage the corners of your beak like this first.”
Gallus’ beak: “Got it. So, pinching comes first, then massaging, and lastly, squeezing.”
Gallus: [squeezes his own beak a little too hard, causing it to squeak like a rubber ball]
Gabby’s beak: [chuckles] “Not that hard, silly. You’ll get your tongue all cramped-up. Otherwise, that’s all there is!” [gets put back on her face]
Gallus: [pops his beak back on his face] “Sweet. Thanks for your help, Gabby!”
Gabby: “Don’t mention it. Remember to come back for your next appointment, or else you’ll end up with a looser beak than before!” [yanks Gallus’ beak off his face jokingly]
Gallus’ beak: “Hey! Alright, I will. Now, give it back!”
Gabby: “Heehee, of course. But just a moment!” [rinses Gallus’ beak under the tap, dabs it dry using his tail, strokes his beakless face to undust it, then pushes his beak back on his face tightly and carefully] “Now, take good care of that beak. See ya soon, Gallus!”
Gallus: [hops off the dentist chair and heads for the door, waving goodbye] “Bye, Gabby!”