To forget about the trouble they caused on their friendship over a boyfriend, now that Twilight Sparkle forgave both Flash and Sunset and had her best friend Applejack now as her BFBFF (Boyfriend Best Friend Forever), Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer will have a double date with Flash Sentry and Applejack. And while their friendship was rekindled, Flash and Sunset did start anew with their relationship while Twilight relieved her pain by being with Applejack and then she learned to understand love.It’s a win-win after all.Happy Valentine’s Day/Hearts and Hooves Day and Single Awareness Day, whatever you celebrate in this day. It depends for you. For me, I am not alone. Sure, I don’t have a girlfriend who can be also my best friend who accepts me for who I am and likes the things I like (especially MLP, Sword Art Online, Power Rangers, etc.)Model Links:Male Applejack: cobbaltco.deviantart.com/art/G…Pony Overhaul Release: poninnahka.deviantart.com/art/… (There is twilicorn)Sunset Shimmer: sfmaniac.deviantart.com/art/Su…Flash Sentry: cobbaltco.deviantart.com/art/D…Made in Source Filmmaker, my apologies for the mistake on Sunset Shimmer’s eyes. Also, Flash Sentry is not a bad guy nor a villain just because he is underdeveloped by the misandrist Meghan McCarthy.My Little Pony © HasbroModels © , and