Decided to make commission the wonderful Sinclair (go get some art from her, seriously) to make a “sequel” to >>1067650 and this time instead of a picnic in the sky this happy family is going camping. Thankfully these woods are not the Everfree Forest so they are perfectly safe even when so deep into the interior that the sun is blocked.
Shady follows in Brae’s footsteps in that he loves being a scout so much he’ll wear the uniform even to a simply family occasion, and like any good little journalist he’ll take any excuse to get an awesome photo of a bug or animal for the next issue of the Foal Free Press.
Soarin’ is just relieved to have escaped the increasingly insufferable Wonderbolts for several days to relax with his family in the great outdoors. He’s not so used to nature and rural Equestria from the ground (besides Ponyville and Appleoosa) but knows he’s in good earth pony hooves.
Some months ago Soarin’ allowed himself to be the cool uncle and brought his nephew Splash Panel to the Rainbow Falls Exchange and even let him set up his own small stand to trade amongst strangers, quite the adult responsibility for a colt just a few years older than his own son. In return he made Splash agree to come with him on a trip to get him out of the house and away from board games and stacks of comic books. Splash Panel is hardly used to hiking but is doing his best to keep up with his uncles and cousin, he also made sure to pack enough comics and scifi/fantasy novels to tide him over until he returns to civilization.