(Buck and Popper stared at the bent photograph of Sugar Belle with her arm around Big Mac’s neck, she was winking at him)
Popper: She was younger than when she got with my dad.. Big Mac must’ve been her first special somepony she told me about a while back.
Buck: She told you about him?!
Popper: Well yeah, but no name was given, she just said he seemed like the perfect stallion at first, but then.. the distance started interfering.. I always thought that “distance” was towards their lack in communication or something, but what if that “distance” was literal this entire time and she was just talking about Big Mac being so far away from our town?!
Buck: So they were together together? Wow.. ‘Ah wonder why no pony ever told us before?
Popper: .. Maybe having to travel so far just to spend time with my mom was too hard for Macintosh.. Maybe it was too painful to talk about… loud gasp Buck, I just got a great idea!
Buck: What? Go ask him about their past?
Popper: Well, kinda, but no.. Let’s get them back together!
Buck: face turns serious Popper.. You promised. You promised Twilight you wouldn’t meddle with relationships again; we’re NOT having another “Celestine” incident on our hooves!
Popper: embarassed smile Heh.. no no, it won’t be like last time, trust me; This is way different!
Buck: raises an eyebrow Different, how?
Popper: Because they already like each other! Just because they aren’t together anymore and just because they had families of their own after all these years; those feelings must still be in there somewhere… And if we can get that spark going again, gasps again They could get married, and then we could be like brothers! And my mom wouldn’t be lonely anymore! And then-
Buck: puts his hoof over Popper’s mouth Hold it, hold it! There’s still the distance aspect you need to take into account.. And ‘ah have a feeling your moms not gonna wanna give up her shop and move to Ponyville just to be with Big Mac.. And sure as rain, my uncle’s not gonna leave Sweet Apple Acres for her; that’s already been established.
Popper: … Well, yeah.. A small bump in the road, but… I really think this could work. Buck, all I know is, I want my mom to be happy. And Big Mac made her happy once. What if, all that’s happened; what if everything they;ve both been through, is just destiny trying to correct itself and put everypony on the right track again?
Buck: … You saying my cousins death, the divorces and sadness are all the universes way of trying to hook Big Mac and Sugar Belle up again? Popper, that’s ridiculous…
Popper: Is it though? Can you name one time you saw Macintosh and Cheerilee happy? They weren’t meant to end up together.
Buck: Well then why’d the universe have to go and take Gala away?! tears welling up It didn’t take YOU! Or Party Banner! Why mah cousin?!
Popper: … I-I don’t know, Lil’Buck. All I know is we can’t let them be alone for the rest of their lives.. It’s what Gala would’ve wanted for her father right? For him to be happy.. I know because that’s what I want for my mom. If you don’t want to help, fine; but I need to at least try.
Buck: Wipes tears away and sighs Alright.. I’ll help you. For Gala Blossom’s sake.