This is Tex and Applejack as they appear in “Flurry Heart’s Story”, my upcoming sequel fanfiction series to the show. I decided to make my own version of Tex from the “MLP Tales” show. In that show, he was yellow with pink hair which looked weird and also too similar to Bright Mac, so I decided to make him green with darker red hair and give him a hat and a bandana. You can’t see it here but he still has his cactus cutie mark. It’s visible in this pic: https://www.deviantart.com/aleximusprime/art/Flurry-Heart-s-Story-Applejack-s-Family-823331429
As you can imagine by his build, Tex is a very strong stallion and a hard worker who never grows tired of helping AJ on the farm. He’s very down-to-earth and sociable and always has a smile on his face. I also made him the son of Burnt Oak. I thought it would be really sweet if AJ fell in love with the son of her father’s best friend. I haven’t figured out much of an in-depth story yet for these two like I did with Dashie and Thunder, but I have established that AJ met him some time around when Big Mac and Sugar Belle got married and they became friends and over time fell in love and eventually had twins, Apple Chip and Annie Smith. It’s also been established in Dash’s “Journals of the Council of Friendship” entry that AJ and Tex got married before she did cuz their kids are a bit older than Stormy. Their kids also become friends with Flurry Heart and form a sort of “next generation” Mane Six gang.
Well there’s AJ and Tex. I gotta draw these two more as well as their kids. My fav of the new Mane Six is Stormy so far, but Chip and Annie are really growing on me! :)