Fluttershy was very excited. She pranced up and down in her living room, her best friend Discord sat on the sofa like a snake, coiled up, and yet Angel still could not get on. “Eek! He should be here soon!” She squealed as her eye caught the clock on the mantelpiece. She turned to the living Pick ‘n’ Mix, with a stern look. “You’ll be the first, the FIRST, of my friends to meet him as my colt-friend, so no tearing up the fabric of reality and throwing him away, no cosmic tantrums. He’s not going to ‘take me away from him’ and I’m not going to spend less time with you so you can’t use that excuse, do you hear me?”“Yes, ma’am!” Discord saluted with a serious face before cracking up. Mid-way through his giggles he caught her eye and stopped. “Sorry, I promise I won’t throw him into a different universe…” He droned like a child promising their parent something. As Fluttershy started to begin her pacing there was three taps at the door.“He’s here!” She perked up, running to the door to open it. There, a blue stallion pegasus stood, clearly nervous, but as soon as his green eyes met her blue ones, he began to beam. “Soarin’!”“Hi Flutters,” He stepped forward to nuzzle her but a stern cough stopped him. Soarin’ looking up to see the God of Chaos glaring at him, arms crossed. Discord wrapped his tail around Fluttershy protectively, out of instinct. “M-Mr. Discord…” Soarin’ gulped, stepping back a little, his feathers literally ruffled from fear.“Flutters?” Discord growled at the nickname, was this stallion so lazy he couldn’t use her full name?“We always use pet names,” Fluttershy giggled. “Come in Soarin’, I have the table set for us. I’m sure you two will get along like a house on fire… No, not fire… Uh, I’m sure you’ll be great friends!” (Spoiler: They don’t, and yes, fire.)———————————————————————I loved Make New Friends But Keep Discord, especially Discord getting insanely jealous/insecure, and I thought that would carry into when Fluttershy introduces Soarin’ and Discord to each other. This isn’t jealous because Discord loves her though, (he does, just not romantically) it’s more “parental instant dislike of any romantic relationships because none of them are good enough” type of deal.