Silver deposits Clover at a table in front of the kitchen, the filly chanting “Breakfast” on loop as he tells her to hold her horses.
“Chef Silverwind, to the rescue!”
He trots into the kitchen, horn alight as he sets to work. Clover asks if she can help, if she can do anything fun while he cooks. After a million answers, each of which creatively telling her “no” she resorts back to her chant for breakfast.
Clover also asks if she can check up on Sabre and Mr. Mean Pony, and see if she can win his favor. And also how long the storm has been going.
“After breakfast! And well past midnight, around the later hours before dawn. Probably around three? I don’t recall. I kinda walked into it in my sleep.”
It reminds Clover that Silverwind sleepwalks. Huh. Maybe he’ll tell her a bit about that later.
Finally, after what felt like a hundred years and lots of whining, Silverwind drops a plate full of a hashbrowns on the table.
“Before you go running off, you have to eat ALL of these eggs-I mean… hashbrowns.”
Clover can only drool in its golden glory.
“Whatever those ponies say in Prance, I guess. Bon… appe-somethin’. I should really sail there some time.”
He also drops a small heart-shaped box on the table. “To save you the trouble of scouring every nook and cranny of my ship for some sweets”.
Clover dives head first into the food, similar to her lunch the day before. Silverwind is mildly amused. (+3 HP!) (9/9)
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