Meanwhile In A Canterlot Apartment
“My Name And Cutie Mark Is Not Important… What is important Is what I’m going to do… I just fucking HATE this world, And the Pony Worms FEASTING ON IT’S CARCASS… My whole life is just Cold Bitter Hatred… And I’ve always wanted to die violently… This is the time of vengeance! And NO LIFE IS WORTH SAVING…! And I Will Put In The Grave As Many As I Can… It Is Time For Me To Kill.. And It is time.. FOR ME TO DIE… Let me introduce myself… I’m a Stallion, Of Hate, And Disgust… My genocide crusade begins… HERE…”
(Whatever Made This Poor Soul Want To Commit Mass Mayhem And Kill All These Ponies, I Feel Sorry For And Pity. <<
<my before="" changing="" him)<br="" oc’s="" words=""></my>
Made In Pony Creator By Joe Blaze.
Made inspired/based off a Roleplay that was done, My OC turned this character from evil to good by showing him the color in this world. Instead of all of the gray. And this is him obviously before that was done.
Believe that some evil characters can change for the better. <strong><<<reminder, before="" change="" him="" is="" rpwise.<="" strong="" the="" this=""></reminder,></strong>