Ouh sorry! Somepony left me an ask about if I knew someone named derpy but I accidentally deleted it! X^(
But yes I do know Derpy! She’s like the sweetest sweetie ever!! I know her sister too, Ditzy! Ditzy is older than Derpy but they often get confused for twins. Hehe.
Derpy Hooves is married to Mr. Hooves! I heard he’s a doctor! (I dont know what kind of doctor though :o) He is so suuuuper in love with Derpy! They’re like the CUUUUTEST couple! (Ouh besides Mr. And Mrs. Cake of coarse.)
Ditzy is engaged to Ai Shine who’s a doctor too, but he’s an eye doctor! I heard they met as kids since Ditzy would always come with Derpy to her eye doctor visits and at the time the optometrists office was owned by Ai’s dad! How cute!! Also Derpy had a kid a few years ago named Dinky!
Dinky is super duper smart just like her daddy and is always super excited when her mama brings her to sugarcube corner! (Derpy always gets one of our blueberry bash muffins and Dinky loves our Honey Citrus suprise cupcakes!!)
Its so weird though because i remember Derpy being so super sad a few years ago saying something about how she couldnt have any kids! But her husband IS a doctor (of some sort???) So im sure he figured something out! Im so happy too because Derpy is like the niiicest mom! (Besides Mrs. Cake again hehe.)