<ins>Story from source:</ins>
As the orange stallion made his way around the apple orchard carrying a few apples in a basket on his back, he saw two mares bucking some apples off the autumn trees. He waved to them.
- Hey Apple Bloom! Hey Lullaby! He shouted. – Are you picking apples as well?
Apple Bloom nodded. Her stomach had become a lot bigger than last time Cherry Berry saw her. She said:
- Yeah! We gotta buck these out as fast as possible! Care to help us out?
- Sure thing auntie! Cherry Berry said. He trotted over to a tree that hadn’t been bucked yet. He rose on his front hooves and quickly kicked the small apple tree. A few red apples fell down, and he collected them into his basket.
- This is really tough, Lullaby said. – Do we have to do this all day?
Apple Bloom nodded.
- We do. Auntie Applejack is out in Appleloosa to figure some family business out. Big Mac is with her. We’re the only ones left here, so we better get moving.
Lullaby rolled her eyes, and continued bucking the trees and collecting apples. Cherry Berry was intrigued by what Applejack and Big Mac were doing all the way in Appleloosa.
- What are they doing there?
- Somepony is leaving their company to the apple family. There’s a lot of us, and everypony want their share of the deal. I’m pretty sure Fluttershy, Flim and Flam went too, now that they’re all part of the apple family. Pear Butter also left. The whole family except us is currently figuring that out.
- What about Diamond Plate and Shivering Seed? Did they go too? Lullaby asked.
- They did. I can’t take care of one nephew and three nieces. And one son, soon at least.
Cherry Berry tilted his head.
- Who’s the father?
- His name is Sandbar. He’s a lovely stallion, Applebloom answered.