Emerald decides to ask about Zebra magic.
“Zebra it is!” Joyride says, springing up onto her hooves, “Somehow I knew you’d go for that. Really want that zebra dick bad, don’t ya?”
Joyride and Emerald then walk back to #304 on Coursewalk Road.
“You know, pony magic has alchemy as well, it is just much more limited than zebra alchemy. Alchemy was always regarded as lesser magic in pony lands, and in addition traditional zebra lands were much more bountiful when it came to ingredients.”
They approach the door and this time Joyride shuffles the keys around, first opening a door that looks like a wine cellar, then a room filled completely with fire, and finally pulling out a white key with a disc-like top. This door opens to a room lined with shelves of jars.
There are all sorts of odd things here, dried plants, pickled parts of creatures, glittering ores, and various oozing and swirling mixtures. Emerald thinks he even sees a stuffed animal in one of them.
“I’ll show you some of the things Zebra Alchemy can do. I’m not going to let you do this normally, but we’ll use some of my personal stores to create a potion. Think of a type of potion you’d like and I’ll show you the process.”
Emerald asks what potions can do.
“Anything most magic can do.”
Emerald asks jokingly if he could make a lightning or fireball potion.
“Yeah. I really wouldn’t suggest drinking it unless you’d like to be burned from the inside out. You throw it instead.”
Emerald mulls on it a while. What kind of potion would be nice to have?
*Fan Wiki*- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
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