Six o’clock arrived far quicker than Rarity had expected. She stood before the door to her shop, just about to close for the evening and step into the night ahead. She found herself unable to move forward, however, her hoof frozen above the handle. The silver mare was draped in a multi-layered, deeply red dress that flowed smoothly along her body. Her mane was trussed up behind her head as if a beautiful violet banner. She had been nothing but ecstatic and delighted as she had spent the past few hours readying herself for this evening.
However, as she was about to lock up the shop and head out to a new adventure, she felt her body freeze, and her heart and mind began to race. The unicorn was quite suddenly overcome by a wave of anxiety that had been building all afternoon alongside her joy. While she was a beautiful, refined mare, she was also a dedicated career lady. And as such, her focus hadn’t necessarily been on romance or finding a partner. She’d always harbored a romantic soul and she was certainly an adept flirter, but the events of the past few years had rather distracted her from dating.
Except that one incident – that one terrible, humiliating incident that decided to worm its way into her thoughts this evening. Her last foray into long-term dating, and had ended in such disaster…no! That was then, and this is now. This stallion seems lightyears different than the last. This was an opportunity, and Rarity was a mare of taking advantage of new opportunities. Filled with a newfound determination, the fashionista swung open the door, the bell tinkling in a merry song of triumph – just as Harpsichord was lifting his hoof to turn the handle.
The two let out startled shouts as they nearly collided, but their shock quickly dissolved into laughter.
“We must stop running into each other this way – well, in such a manner!” Rarity giggled, stepping out from her shop and flipping the “closed” sign onto the door. Happy Pants chuckled as well, wearing a winning smile beneath is meticulously-groomed mustache. Those stunning indigo eyes of his sparkled as he took a moment to observe his new companion.
“I can assure you I don’t mind! Allows me to let you know how utterly lovely you look, in simply any situation.” He said with such genuine enthusiasm that the female unicorn was slightly taken aback. She’s used to compliments, of course, but for some reason, each coming from the bouncy stallion made her heart simply melt. A light blush touched upon her cheeks as she dipped her head.
“Ah-hem. Shall we?” Rarity said, gesturing down the road. “I am quite excited to see this place you’ve chosen for our rendezvous.”
Happy took his own turn to slightly blush. “Of course. Now, it is not the most high-end eatery. Canterlot has quite a lot to offer, but I rather enjoy this place for its cozy and warm atmosphere. Sometimes, it reminds me of when Fancy and I were younger.”
“I am quite sure its splendid.” Rarity reassured with conviction.
And with that, the two headed out into the beautiful Equestrian evening. And Rarity’s statement was proved to be true quite soon as Happy lead her towards the front door of none other than Donut Joe’s. Rarity couldn’t help her chuckle of delight.
“Too casual?” Happy asked, visibly cringing.
“Not in the slightest, my friend! Actually, Mister Pants, this is far too perfect.” The mare declared, and the stallion seemed to light up like a lantern. Together, they entered the donut shop (Harpsichord holding the door open of course) and were immediately greeted with, just as Happy described, a warm and mellow atmosphere. There were only three other ponies in there otherwise, with the titular Donut Joe leaning on the counter idly munching on a simple glazed pastry. However, the moment he caught sight of the two silver unicorns, he quickly stuffed the rest of it into his mouth, swallowed, wiped his hoof on his apron, and stepped out from behind the counter.
“Well, heya! Look what we’ve got here. Its been just too long, Miss Rarity.” He said, extending his hoof and taking hers in a less-than-gentle shake. However, Rarity couldn’t help but grin and give a little giggle.
“Ah, yes, well, saving Equestria and running a clothing chain, it does distract one. But I am quite glad I was able to visit this evening. A table for two, perchance?” She inquired politely. Donut Joe nodded with enthusiasm. Then, as he was leading them to a table in the center of the shop, he quirked a brow towards Happy. “And it is sooo nice to see you, Happy! Its been so long, eh?” He said with an overly obvious wink. The teal-maned stallion rolled his eyes, but still wore his ever-charming smile.
“Yes, it surely has been awhile. Its good to be back.” Happy said while he and Rarity took a seat at the table. It was quite obviously set up for a “fancier” dining setting – a small candle, wax melting into the white ceramic dish below, sat in the middle. A single carnation sat in a cup of water beside it, with neatly-folded napkins sitting atop two plates. Rarity couldn’t help her grin at the utter, slightly-dorkish charm of it all. She caught Donut Joe giving a sly grin to Happy, who didn’t quite return it. Instead, he gave a small smile towards the mare across the table.
“So, do get whatever you’d enjoy this evening. I know you’re most likely familiar with the menu, but the last time I was here, he whipped up the most delicious blueberry pancakes. He’s added something new to the recipe to make the flavor just simply…pop!” He finished with vigor. Rarity quirked a brow, still grinning, but using her magic to lift a tiny menu to her muzzle. She pretended for a moment to scan it and consider her options. After a moment of quiet, she set down the menu and smiled again.
“You know, I do think I have a teensy little craving for a lemon cream pastry and chocolate glazed as of late.” She said simply, still watching her new friend for his reaction. He nodded in satisfactory agreement and set his own menu down as well.
“You know, that sounds delightful. I think it might be a good night for a treat. Same for me, Joe. Thank you.” Happy Pants declared, handing both menus to the pudgy stallion with his magic. He gave a nod and trotted towards the back of the shop. Rarity blinked in slight surprise, and felt that heart-melting, warm and balmy feeling again. Last time, it’d been, “you sure about that? Thought you were watchin’ your figure honey.” Happy just felt so different than…the mare mentally shook her head. That wasn’t fair to the journalist before her. He didn’t deserve to be compared to others. He was different.
Harpsichord caught the violet-maned unicorn staring at him, and met her gaze with a small smile.
“Heh, I know pastry for dinner isn’t terribly traditional, but I used to fancy trying other countries’ desserts before supper. There was so much variety in the food, but the sweets just tickled the foal in me and I know I certainly have gotten a little rotund. Most especially in Prance. Good heaven, if ever I am able to taste those madeleine cakes that lovely pegasus used to make in that little corner shop in Livergray. They’re these little almond and lemon sponge in the shape of a shell. I’m certain I gained at least ten pounds on those…” He trailed off wistfully. “O-of course, Donut Joe’s pastries do hold up quite well.”
“That does sound quite lovely. I’ve never been to Prance, though I’ve always wanted to. An opportunity just hasn’t risen yet.” Rarity replied in her own wistful tone. “You must have been around the world thrice by now!”
“Feels like it. My work does take me to the littlest niches in the smallest countries, the largest cities you can imagine. I’ve met the buffalo tribes of the San Palomino Desert, and the zebra tribes of Zebrabwe. I do love it, though it can certainly be trying at times. In all honesty, I am glad I’m on a tad of a break. After this current story is put together and finally published, I’m taking a bit of a hiatus for awhile, and might do some casual travelling for once.” He finished with a slightly-tired chuckle. But Rarity was more than intrigued, and rested her chin atop her fetlocks as she gazed at the unicorn stallion.
“I’ve been many places, and it seems I’ve traveled this whole region by now, but to actually get to stay and experience all these different cultures instead of…y’know, heading home to go on another friendship mission…it sounds lovely.” Harpsichord fixed her with a stare similar to her own, only giving Joe a minor acknowledgement this time around as he gently lay two sets of pastry-laden plates before them.
“Now, I am quite excited to hear the tales of the Element of Generosity. Of course, there’s reports in the papers and whatnot, but to hear about those plights from the source herself…if I may inquire, what was it like to meet the hippogriffs for the first time? Or, weren’t they seaponies at the time? I must know what their underwater kingdom is truly like. Pictures can only tell you so much…” Happy proclaimed, and Rarity couldn’t help her light scoff and roll of the eyes.
“Heh, that was an adventure in and of itself. We nearly drowned before we even saw the seapony kingdom.”
Happy’s eyes widened. “Now this tale, I must hear!”