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im going to Hell for this one mama mia. it was nice knowing you guys
anyways though :’‘) this is one of the first AUs in a long time ive made.. or put a decent amount of thought into. hehehe
in this AU they’re probably not gangsters or in the mafia anymore, since idk. i just dont personally think it mixes with my little pony (its perfectly fine if you like dark topics with it, but i just dont wanna myself!!) and all have new talents instead..
giorno’s a gardener, fugo’s great at baking (and teaching), mista’s got great luck, narancia can fly like a motherfucker, bruno brings ponies together (like hes zipping them up, almost, HAHAHA), and abbacchio makes wine.. and drinks it too
i really hope you guys like these!! im probably gonna be making a lot more art of this au, especially fugo. i love pony fugo sm hahahaha
you can see all of them seperate here!!
unlike the seperates this one is not derpibooru exclusive.. im putting it up on dA and maybe FA, and my bf is putting it on his twitter for me too
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