Page 1021 – Back in BlueArtist: ChrisTheS
The other part of the latest Tales of New Dunhaven session is up! It probably has the most bombastic ending of any game of Dusk City Outlaws we’ve played so far – there’s even a wizard duel amidst the chaos.
The Most Wanted Job, Part 2: Libsyn YouTube
Twilight Sparkle: Is he down to 0 HP?
DM: He’s close enough. As if sensing his imminent cowardly surrender, the Alicorn Amulet slips off Elusive’s neck. He is now helpless. And we are no longer in Initiative.
Rainbow Dash: That… was… AWESOME!!
Elusive: P-Please… Let’s talk this out… I can do anything for you… ANYTHING!
Rarity: NO. You do not get to bluff, sneak, or buy your way out of this one.
Elusive: I-I didn’t mean to! The Amulet, it…!
Twilight Sparkle: Arcana check.
DM: If anything, the Amulet amplified impulses that were already strong.
Applejack: If ya wanted the right to parley, y’all shouldn’t-a messed with us for so long.
Rarity: What a night… I came here to woo my Prince Charming and become a Princess. Instead, I’m sending him to prison.