Page 1012 – It’s Just a PhaseArtist: ChrisTheS
A fair amount of effort went into building Blueblood’s abilities, which – other than the Mane Six’s power choices – was my main contribution to this sequence. I cross-referenced other monsters of a similar level and role in the 4e Compendium and used their powers as inspiration, and brainstormed a few of my own.
The Alicorn Amulet doesn’t have a lot of hard canon to establish it and half the things it did were for comic effect, so there’s a surprising amount of room for interpretation. I personally like the idea that there’s no universal power set it grants; the Amulet’s abilities spring from the foundation provided by the user.
Blueblood: ENOUGH!!
DM: Elusive strikes the battlefield with a bolt storm. The remaining ninjas are swept away. Elusive is now alone. His paranoia heightens and his stance changes, granting him a second Initiative. To compensate, though, I’ll let you play a little fast and loose with your turn order.
Applejack: But Ah assume he’s done takin’ it easy on us.
Twilight Sparkle: You’re really going all-out on this boss fight, aren’t you?
Fluttershy: Can Garrett help??
DM: Nope. He has disappeared down a grappling hook. Anyway, Elusive attempts to use the Amulet’s power to enhance his physical allure, drawing an enemy closer to him. Targeting Rarity, naturally.
Rarity: Of course he would have such an egotistical ability. In fact… I’m going to use Cunning Escape, just to be sure.
Rainbow Dash: Good. Clear the blast zone before we nuke him.