My Dearest, Philia,
It’s been quite some time since I’ve written to you, and that’s because we have quite some things to speak about. Preferably, what led up to this point and where both Shelly and I would like to go from here. You see, I didn’t think much of it when she wanted me to be her test subject for her senior project on serial killers. It was just a temporary thing, plus it was quite nice to show someone what I do and not be judged for it. But now, it seems, Shelly has taken a romantic interest in me. And I in her. As we are now in a long term relationship, it was only normal to tell her about our daughter and our past together, she holds no ill will towards you nor should she. In fact, she wants to meet you and Poison Sweets! She adores babies and wants to see the man I had spent so much of my life with. I thought I would give you a heads up.
How is my little sweetie pie? Has she been coming along nicely in learning to talk? Give her a kiss for me and tell her I miss her dearly.
Sincerely, Minny