Page 824 – Foiled AgainBoy am I glad October is over. That was not a good month.
Gilda: Scrap the Fighter; I’ll make my own party-planning Bard!
Rainbow Dash: Huh? The heck is this about?
Pinkie Pie: Cool cool!
Gilda: Whaddaya mean, “cool”?! Look, if I prove that I’ve basically done your job but better, you AT LEAST gotta take a few pointers on your build. Capiche?
Applejack: Woah, hey, she ain’t gotta listen to–
Pinkie Pie: Okie-dokie-lokie!
Gilda: Good. Now, what’s the racial block for Earth Ponies like?
DM: Uh… They’re basically Humans?
Gilda: Serviceable. Race: Earth Pony… Class: Bard… Name… Pony name… Screw it, I don’t care – Cheese Sandwich.