So our house is like… ancient. Like at least 100 years ancient. The area of the house we actually live in also holds a walk in attic, which is currently being used for storage.
It’s super cold in this room and it recently dawned on us that we could utilize the space. Our house area is very small so any extra space is a godsend, like we don’t have any room for a couch level small, not that I’m complaining but we can’t deny it’s dinky. The extra space would be appreciated. Only problem? the roof is slanted so much that, like in the picture, I am short enough to stand under the angled roof but not Markus lol. He has to duck his head.
We have a long term plan, that it could be used as a full proper room in like 10 years but for now we are just planning on adding insulation and a chimney based heater in the room so I can use it for a change of scenery. I don’t like doing my traditional art at my computer space so this would be perfect to just put a table and desk in for artwork. Once we get rid of all the spider webs first though…