It was the middle of the night, but Pristine Melody was wide awake. She paced her bedroom, a million thoughts and worries swirling through her mind. How could she have betrayed her sister like that? How could she have broken her promise? Now she never wanted to see her again!
She didn’t realize how loudly she was pacing until her husband sat up in bed.
“Honeysuckle, you know I love any sound you make but could you uh…pace a tad quieter?” He chuckled as he got up and out of bed, trotting over to lay a hoof on her shoulder.
“What seems to be the issue hun?”
“I ruined everything!” Mel exclaimed. “I promised Pelly I wouldn’t tell anypony she was my songwriter! But I did! All of Equestria is after the poor thing and it’s all my fault! And now she doesn’t wanna talk to me ever again!”
Quill let out a deep, heaving sigh. He couldn’t tell his wife she didn’t do anything wrong; she had done a lot wrong. They both knew this. However, that didn’t mean he would stop being there for her. “C’mon now doll, I’m sure she’ll come around soon, fame isn’t so bad for you is it?”
“No, but she’s different! Any attention at all leaves her shakin’ like a leaf in the wind, but this much? I can’t imagine how she’ll ever be able ta cope.” Mel leaned into her husband and sighed. “I can’t imagine she’ll ever wanna forgive me after what I did. I darn near ruined her life…”
Suddenly a light bulb went off inside Quill’s head. If she couldn’t fix what she had done, why couldn’t she bring out the silver lining for Pelly? “You know…you HAVE written a few songs yourself, why dont you make her a gift?”
“Oh Quilly, my songwriting skills don’t compare to hers…” Mel grew deep in thought herself. “But I could…”
“Stop doubting yourself, that’s what got Pelly in this mess in the first place. Now c’mere and start thinkin’, I’ll get the candle and paper and quills!”
That he did, coming back a few moments later with all the supplies they’d need and setting them up on the table. Pulling his wife close, he used a flint and steel to light the fire. They had a long, long night ahead of them.