Names- Big Sur and Eureka Dreams
Series- United Ponies of America
State- California
Media- Ink and Prismacolored Pencils
We have entered the C’s of the UPoA series and first up is California. Man I knew this one would be hard because of how diverse and big the state is. So I decided to focus on several things that popped into my mind when I thought of it: Gold rush, beaches, and Hollywood. The title is inspired by the famous song California Dreamin’.
Big Sur- Inspired by the beaches of Cali, I wanted to portray him as very laid back. The name itself is based upon an region in the state. The coat color symbolizes the sands of southern California while the mane style and color is reminiscent of waves. Of course his cutiemark is a wave with a surf board on it.
Eureka Dreams- The name is a combination of the state slogan eureka (from when someone struck gold) and dreams (inspired by all those who move to CA in pursuit of them). Her cutie mark is another combo, this time of gold and a shoot star. Her coat color represents the Red Carpet at big Hollywood events. Her mane color is gold inspired and the reason why it’s curly is also because I was thinking of dynamite lol. Dynamite is circular so her main is similar in that sense hehe.
So to all you Californian Bronies, how’d I do? I do like the end result. I am also pleased with how diverse the ponies in this series is.