I’m back with another project that I’ve been working on the last months.
The project is titled “Rainbow’s Dream”. “Rainbow’s Dream” is a 3d game inspired by the Fanfiction “My little Dashie” from ROBCakeran53.
As of now, there are no download options available. The game is still in a very early state.
More info can be obtained in this video: Rainbow’s Dream – An interactive adventure by Cool Rainbow
Or on my website: coolrainbow.fluttershy.at (currently under heavy development, might not work as intended.)
If my website isn’t working properly (which currently is not), here is a backup option at this Google Docs: Google Docs link
PS: If you are wondering what the green neon light is saying: “Autowerkstatt” is a german word and means “car repair shop”.
Rainbow’s Dream is © 2017-2019 CoolRainbow
My little Pony© and or ™ Hasbro and DHX Media in the United States and or other countries.