Trouble Shoes Baseby SelenaEdeMaud Pie Base (Official Design)by SelenaEdeorig00.deviantart.net/7aeb/f/2…
Mudbriar Baseby SelenaEdeLimestone Pie Base 02by SelenaEde Quibble Pants Base 03by SelenaEde
Limestone X Quibble Pants=
- Arceus Pie (Earth Pony), and
- Buttercup Quartz Pie (Earth Pony)
Marble Pie X Trouble Shoes=
- Iron Horseshoe (Earth Pony),
- Quartzite Skies Pie (Earth Pony), and
- Iris Sparkle Pie (Earth Pony)
Maud Pie X Mudbriar=*Jadestone Shine (Earth Pony),*Lucky Quartzite (Earth Pony),*Serpentintite Stone (Earth Pony), and
- Ashy Andesite (Earth Pony)
Pinkie Pie X Cheese Sandwich=?*Starwberriey’ Strudel’ Pie (Earth Pony),*Strawberriey’ Coat Waferre’ Pie (Earth Pony),*Choco’ Banana Twist Split Pie (Earth Pony), and*Caramel Waferre’ Twist Split Pie (Earth Pony)
DON’T STEAL OR COPY MY WORK!!! Ok!! So.. yeah, see you guys l8r, and bye again!!
“LuckyVerse”. This verse has ALL KINDS of twisted ships, and adventurous stories to read. Plus, with my high 11th grade fluency of reading, these stories will have well-written copies for our favorite MLP “LuckyVerse” Characters.
Don’t try to steal my work!!! And, I’ve got watermark on my artworks), so, while I made the piece, you can use it for reference or make me a piece of art. Ok? Ok! Thx for listening guys, and also:
For my LuckyVerse, I am looking for “MLP Ships”. I plan to do Adopts, Commissions, Art Trades, and all that etc. But, under these pieces of my art, we… “you” can give me ideas for a story, or an ship. For the adopts… So, PLZ do that? See you guys later!!! Bye!!! 102550100 NestedThreadedFlat Oldest FirstNewest First