<ins>Description from source:</ins>
Going to he honest I don’t watch MLP anymore. I lost interested in it a few sessions ago. But I was looking back at my old next gen art and thou how I hated the color pallets and hair styles. So, I thou why not give them a redesign. Honestly drawing this made me want to get back into drawing them. Because I was reminded how much I love them.Also no cutie marks in this pic because I am thinking of redesign them as well.
<ins>Form right the left there names and parents.</ins>
<ins>Top row</ins>
Annabelle the adopted daughter of Applejack, Fire Ruby the daughter of Spike and Sweetie Belle, Pastel Palette the son of Fluttershy and Cheeses Sandwich and Aura Sparkle the daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry
<ins>Bottom row</ins>
Honeycrisp the daughter of Rarity and Big Mac, Thunderstorm the daughter of Rainbow Dash and Soarin and lastly Sugar Cookie the son of Pinkie Pie and Royal Pine.