used bases and they have all the credits of the base I used SaphyJay Base: UNGG (F2U Base Edit) all the pre made ponys base I used belongs to Nazo-no-Akuma thanks very much the base of up was a comition SaphyJay made for help her but I found it interesting for make look my NG more interesting so really thanks for the two and like Nazo No Akuma said the original Idea is from kilalaaa I said too for dont steal the credit
all the characters of my NG down the pre mades of SaphyJay and Nazo No Akuma belongs to me thank you for your atention
please dont make hard critics of me im just a beginner
I promess dowload more thinks soon I have a problem with Devian Art dont let me post some kinda of my fanarts of how I wish to do it
Lyra x Bon Bon Daugther: Mochi Mochi
Octavia Melody and Vinly Scratch : Twin daugther´s Dubstep and Lovely Notes
Cherry Lee and tree Hugger: twin´s Spiritual Chi ( the green one) Astral Traveler ( the pegasus one)
Vapor Trail And Sky Stringer Daugther: Vapor Rush
Zecora x Royal Guard: Korrina
Ditzy Doo x Doctor Hooves: Dinky Doo and Phoebe Hope
Pipsqueak x Dinky Hooves = Muffin Delight
Big Mac x Sugar Belle Daugther: Apple Ambrosia Lee
Lighting Dusk x Thunderlane Daugther: Nordic wind
Troubel Shoes x Maud Pie: Smart amethyst
Chesse Sandwuich x Marble Pie: Chocolate Milkshake
Ember x Garble son : Lord Leonidas
Snips and unkwnow mare: summer wishes ( filly)
Snails x racer pegasus daugther: Storm Voltage
Quibble Pants x Spitfire (divorced) daugther: Spiritual Fire
Spitfire x Soarin twin Daugther´s: Rapid Fire Stormy Barrier
Sunset Shimmer x Trenderhoof ( divorced no kids)
Sunset Shimmer x Flash Sentry: Love Spell (pegasus – female) Twin´s Sentry Sun and Magical Dream
Trixie and Prince Blue Blood: Princess Lucky Spell
Rumble x Unkwnow Mare daugther: challenging Racer aka Molly
Limestone Pie x Zehpyr Brezze : Magical Brezze
SilverSpoon x Diamond Tiara: Spoiled Duchess
Crhysalis x Fuffle Puff son and daugther: Radiant Dream ( the girl) WishBall ( the boy )
Starlight Glimmer x Sunburst: Karma Glimmer
Neon Lights x Princess SkyStar: Princess Ursula
T H E M A N E S I X ´S
Pinkie Pie x Prince Rutherford daugther: Princess Ahiru
Pinkie Pie x Poker Pierce kids: Cuite Swirl Pie ( adopted -deceased) Comet Butterfly ( the boy aka DJ Comet) Party Swirl Pie ( the girl member of the new mane 6 )
Rarity x Spike:Toriel (girl) Peridot Shine ( the boy )
Caramel x Applejack: Garnet Apple and Apple Lazuli
Twilight Sparkle x Timber Spruce (passed away): Everfree Eclipsa Sparkle
Twilight Sparkle x Tempest Shadow ( Fizzlepop BerryTwist) twin daugther´s : Fizzle Spelling and Wise Wisdom
Rainbow Dash x Scootaloo kids: Twin daugther´s : Rainbow Tempest and Brave Spirit (members of the new mane 6 ) Shereazade rainbow swirl dash ( cmc ) Dash Singer ( boy ) Sonic Rainboom ( teen – girl ) Flapjack ( boy -cmc)
Scootaloo x Cuite Swirl Pie (deceased) : Daring Eve Pie ( half sister of all the kids of Scootaloo and rainbow dash)
Fluttershy x Rainbow Dash ( divorced ) Wisteria Belle (lives with rainbow dash and scootaloo)
Fluttershy x Discord: Cosmic Chaos ( girl) Screwball
- C M C -
Son of AppleBloom and ukwnow king sombra son : Apple Asriel
AppleBloom x Tender Taps : Blooming Dancer ( apple asriel half sister – Lil sis )
Button Mash x Sweetie Belle: Prima Gentle Belle
Rainbow Dash x Scootaloo cmc kids : Flapjack Shereazade Rainbow swirl
Princess Celestia x King Thorax´s Daugther: Princess Celestial Ascension
Good King Sombra (passed away )x Princess Celestia:Radiant Solstice
Princesss Luna x Pharynx daugther: Princess Nocturnal Shine Cadence x Shining Armor kids : Flurry heart , Crystal Heart ( Filly ) Blizzard Heart ( Colt )