ATG DAY 7: Draw a pony in love / Draw a pony ship(ping).
Soooo, some context. A very loose follow-up to this:
Soo, for context, this is a very loose follow-up to my entry for Day 8’s Prompt of last year. The party has ended, and despite her rowdy and clingy behavior- Quibble Pants helps Twilight home. After that night, they keep in touch when Twilight gives him her number. Small hats become long talks, they start to know each other better, and before any of them knew it- DareCon was on the horizon! There they finally formally meet again and have some fun! Before they part ways, Twilight bestows upon him the gift of a smooch. It’s safe to say now that they feelings that she had for him a year ago wasn’t a spawn of the moment thing, and that now the feeling was finally mutual.
<del>After the costume party, Quibble helped Twilight home. It was a rough night of lots of drinking and love tension for her, and it was lonely since RD had to miss out due to the feather flu. On their way to the castle. They chat it up a bit about the party, then to the realization that this was the guy from DareCon RD told Twilight about, to a friendly hello before she passed out at home. She gave him her number and… he called the next day to see how she was doing! It’s safe to say she wasn’t in the best of spirits, but it was a kind gesture. A few days pass by, and he calls again to check in on her. They start off with small banter and chit-chat before the talks start getting longer… and longer… and even longer. Eventually, the next DareCon comes around and Twilight is able to go! She goes with RD and lo-and-behold, the trio reunite. To their surprise, none of them told RD of what happened and it caught her by complete surprise! Granted a very pleasant one, so no worries. It was a wonderful day full of fun, excitement, and bonding. They even got to meet A.K. Yearling there to their astonishment! It was great… then comes the final night. They all have to go and part ways… as much as it pained Twilight to say goodbye to Quibble, she didn’t want to leave without one small thing for him after all he has done for her. Before they give their final goodbyes, she calls him over to tell him something. She doesn’t want to say it out loud, so her gets closer so she can whisper…</del>
<del>A small, quick peck on the cheek… In that moment he was absolutely floored! Completely flustered as he stumbled and mumbled an incoherent thank you. It was safe to say that those feelings from that faithful night were still there… and you know what, this time the feeling was mutual.</del>
<del><sub>wow this story sucks</sub></del>