ATG DAY 21- Draw a pony discovering a new culture / Draw a pony with an open mind.
Just an important message I wanted to share to everyone. Don’t be afraid to share your opinions and to listen to others opinions. In this day in age we live in, it is crucial that we learn how to share them. With honor, respect, and dignity- Sharing opinions can open up a new point of view we may not have dared to trek into before. It goes so much farther than anything than you can imagine.Learning how to embrace your own opinions while keeping an open mind to those who have opposing ones is what can help us all progress forward into a better and brighter future where we don’t have to fear so greatly of agreeing or disagreeing with others. So please, let your thoughts come out. Speak for yourself and not what others force you to say. With the knowledge we share with and gain from other with opinions, we can one day achieve anything.