oof yikes, that anatomy.
also thats MAYBE a temp title, I had no idea what else to call it.
Patty Melt and Reuben Sandwich are not non-identical twins, Patty is the older sibling and born a few years earlier than Reuben. But they were still relativley close in age. [it was Cheese’s idea for another kid so soon, but Flam considered his own sibling for a bit and thought it was a good idea.] But when Reuben came around, Patty got more clingy and well, kind of mean. She’s always been a jealous/envious kid, and a baby sibling kind of rained on her parade. She was very petty and rude to him, a difference from Flim and Flam who were always close.
It took a long time for Patty to warm up to Reuben, and eventually as late teenagers they wanted to travel around like how Flam once did and how Cheese still does. They took off together, Patty was starry eyed over being like her father and uncle, and while Reuben wasn’t up for the whole sales pony thing he still agreed and turned this into a chance to be a sort of freelance chef. Patty had her eyes set on this being the rest of their life, traveling together.
And then Reuben realized being a traveling chef wasn’t working out for him, and had decided to split from Patty and left to Canterlot to start a restraunt. Patty was crushed, though she wouldn’t admit it, and then she met Surprise. Who she put in her brothers place, and calls him an honorary family member.