Name : NightRain
Parents : obsidian (biological father) , calamity (biological mother), ??? (brother)
Gender : Male
Species : Batpony
Body type : a bit buff, average height
Special Talent : Making pendants and charms
Likes : Giving advice, doing what he can to help, cookies, pillows, sleeping, stargazing, rain.
Home : Canterlot Castle
Bio :
Night had a pretty good childhood, well apart from his parent’s constant bickering and his brothers bullying to him for being the runt. His brother teased him for being too kind and not being a fearsome bat pony like he saw his kind as. When Rain was in his late teens, he joined the lunar guard and got away from his bothersome family which he had as a breath of relief. Rain done really well as a guard but when an assassin broke in, he was the only one close to Luna’s chambers and had to fight the intruder until other guards took over which left him with a damaged wing. Due to this he is unable to fly, feeling envious of his past self but does well without his flight.
A while after this he met some other guards who had trouble with traumatic events, preventing them from sleep. Rain already had a hobby of making enchanted pendants in his spare time and decided to make them for the royals and guards who needed them to help.