“Let’s have some fun~”
Things always become more interesting when Eris comes to play. Whether that’s a good interesting or a bad interesting, really depends on how she feels about you. As for this particular ‘play-date’, it seems she was a bit annoyed with my lack of communication with her lately [aNd beCAUse YoU haVen’T EVeN menTIOneD mY exisTENcE PRioR to ThIs! i MeaN yOu eVEn remOved mY nAmE fRoM yOuR chARaCtEr sHeET!!]… hence my smaller than usual size. It’s not my fault that my magic computer thing (still working on an appropriate name) doesn’t always manage to locate her. How am I supposed to send her a communication/message if she’s in a nebula or something?
I both like and dislike the way this picture turned out. So I’ll let you guys decide whether it’s good… or it’s trash. Because I can’t decide if I like it or hate it. I think it looks too hazy/dusty/blurry. Anyway, hope you’re all having a good week so far.
<ins>Resources Used</ins>
<a href="https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/525547107" lang="DL">Eris [SFM/Gmod]</a>
<a href="https://www.deviantart.com/deviation/709532952" lang="DL">Tempest Shadow</a>
Bonk Slushie
Spyro Map
Table & Chairs
Made using Source Filmmaker and Adobe Photoshop