I never had a chance to trick or treat in my life as a child. We never had a tradition like this in our family but I really enjoy watching children dress up in their Halloween costumes and jump from door to door gathering PILES of candy, I feel so happy for them ; u ;
Anyways, enjoy the most advanced TTDT so far. Featuring Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Rumble and Soarin! I’ve put additional effort into lighting and background details… this took so long >w<
Feedback appreciated!
FUN FACT: Did you know that the in first version of this comic Rumble was wearing the “Tempest” costume and Scootaloo was wearing the “Ghost”. After i almost finished the comic I looked back at it and though it would be cuter to see our favorite filly wear our favorite antagonist suit, so I ended up spending one additional hour changing and redrawing three panels Xc…. #PERFECTIONIST . If you look closely you can see some traces of the previous version, especially in the hair styles xD
Happy Trick or Treating, stay safe out there!
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