Emerald says he’ll do it. He asks where they are going though.
Joyride doesn’t respond to this. Instead seems to be whispering something with her eyes closed and holding the keys up.
He takes out one of his slippery potions and smashes it near the entrance to the cave, around where one might get to once they step over the bodies of the wasps.
He then targets one of the wasps and cast a cloud of smoke over them. Very quickly afterwards he does a push spell towards the cloud, causing all the smoke to billow out of the cave.
He thinks he hears some coughing sounds coming from the other side of the smoke and readies his focus.
Emerald hears a second cry much closer, and looks around in confusion, only to see the puddle of slippery potion on the floor splash a bit. Small flecks of it are flying around, and Emerald comes to the realization that the two ponies are probably invisible again.
Emearld aims a magic missile at the dark corridor before him, and it seems to bounce off of nothing, with only a snarl of annoyance from one of them. Emerald thinks a little harder, and then does a push spell towards the slippery potion.
He hears cries of panic from the invisible intruders, and from the way the environment scatters and shifts, Emerald is quite sure he pushed the now slippery Order members straight out of the cave that they came in.
“Okay, got it! Let’s get out of here!” Joyride says.
Emerald turns around to see some sort of purplish portal suspended in the air. The unicorn hops through it.Emerald jumps through it, and Ruby follows close behind.
Emerald slows down for a moment, only to hear Joyride, who’s voice is coming out of a very strange looking creature, say,
“Not done yet lil’ perv, come on!”
They jump through several more portals before coming to a stop at a rather serene beach.
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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