“Come on, Twiley; we’re just getting started! You know even Cadence loves this workout!” Shining Armor called to his sister, unable to supress a grin as he watched Twilight sulkily rise from the depths after another pratfall during her water aerobics session. The stallion had the grace to keep from laughing…but the same couldn’t be said for the humans watching the whole spectacle throughout the lakeside village. Applause, guffaws, and Finnish cheers rose up to the giant ponies (and young dragon) looming over the scene even as Twilight threw a half-submerged glare at them, and her brother from the water.
Spike seemed to sense her irritation, extending a little clawed hand in a placating gesture. “Er, c’mon Twi; it’s not that bad. You’re keeping your balance better than yesterday, and you’ve got all the moves memorized. And didn’t you go through something like this when you were learning to fly?”
“Hurm…” Twilight bubble-grumbled from beneath the drink, before finally rising to her hooves dripping wet. She tossed her mane, flinging water at the nearest crowd of humans; soaking them and scattering a few. She smirked in vindication, then turned to her brother. “Yes, Shiny; Cadence does love this little routine…but SHE does her aerobics in a pool, and without a tiny peanut gallery! Did we really have to try my workout routine here, on our vacation?” She flicked a wing, vaguely gesturing to the surrounding village, the lake, and the still-watching crowds of humans; all at once.
Shining’s expression didn’t change. “We didn’t have to, no…but when you said we’d all been eating too much of those Karelian pastries*, I figured some workouts would help us keep our figures—and hey, we’re royalty; got to set a good example for our subjects!” When he finished, his expression did change: his smile became even wider. Spike had his hands over his mouth, guiltily trying to stifle his building laughter.
Twilight snorted and facehoofed, then fell on her rump into the lake; creating a towering, glistening splash that rained water down on her and some nearby villagers. “And…why aren’t you and Spike suffering with me?”
“Just ate some of that ‘mye-kyro-kah’** stuff; sorry.” Spike’s confession was the picture of sheepishness. “Don’t wanna get a cramp mid-workout, y’know?”
Shining had the decency to look embarrassed. “Um, I think the lake is too small and shallow to work for me, sorry.”
Twilight gave a martyr’s groan.
[* Karelian pastries are a Finnish dish composed of a rye or wheat crust, usually filled with rice, barely, and the like.
- Spike is butchering the pronunciation of Mykyrokka, another Finnish cuisine. This one is a hearty soup with a big barely dumpling, with oinions and potatoes thrown in with fatty meats and such.]