Emerald shakes his head and says they should stick together. Safety in numbers after all. Hope agrees, and Ruby does reluctantly.
As they walk, Emerald attempts to think of ways to shake their pursuers. The group tries to do so by taking sudden turns and quick sprints, doubling back, and pretending to enter some tents while simply going around them.
However all this seems to be for naught, as when the reach the edge of the cramped tent city the trio can still tell they are being followed.
The three stop just outside the edge of the tents near Joyride’s house and wonder what to do. Between the house and the city there is just a grassy field a few small islands of dense trees smattered far apart. Nothing to really hide them effectively. Emerald can only really think of two options. Confront the ponies following them or make a break for Joyride’s.
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