“Max, in the sky, Look out for the stallion! Misty spread out!”
You all break apart so you aren’t in a perfect line. Max lets up and the mare and she continues to cower a bit.
As much as you want to skewer the Pegasus as he swoops down, or at least throw mud in his eyes he attacks Maximilian. Max Puts up a barrier that the Pegasus Stallion stops at and smashes into with his sword. The Pegasus colonel breaks Max’s barrier and Max begins to stumble a bit. The pegasus seems to be stalled for the moment and breathing a bit heavy, but he’s still managing to stand on his hind legs.
You are about 12 feet from Max and 16 feet from the colonel pegasus.
The Stallion speaks to his privet, “Stop acting like a newborn foal and help!”
Misty is about 5 feet to your side and the mage is about 8 feet from both Misty and Max.
You have all managed to move much closer to the buildings somehow.
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