A vector of a Superpony OC of mine, Solar Flare, A.K.A. Supernova. She was the victim of a particularly malicious variation of poison joke, causing her chest and lower jaw to explode and begin constantly spewing blue-hot flames, robbing her of her ability to speak. The flames are the only thing keeping her alive, and as such, she needs not worry about eating or drinking. She wears a special fireproof costume equipped with a hood. With the hood up (depicted on the right), her flames are suppressed (but not extinguished), allowing her to avoid catching her surroundings on fire. Unfortunately for her, this also allows others to see just how damaged her jaw, neck, and chest were in the accident.
Before anyone asks, yes, she /was/ partially inspired by Chamber from the X-Men. No, she is /not/ a ponified Chamber.