Before you click on ‘nay’, just so you know, I got full permission from the OC creator of Mitsuaki Demoncy to depict her in this sniper comic
Based on the Chinese comic panels from:
<ins>TRIGGER WARNING</ins> This comic is _NOT__ for the fashionably sensitive!!!_ This comic may be offensive to clothing designers who get <ins>shocked by bad fashion sense</ins> (or, if you actually liked the clothes depicted, <ins>offended by the comic’s detrimental criticism to the fashion sense</ins>). Viewer discretion is advised!!
<ins>Note to (unisex) fashion designers:</ins> If you’re not willing to wear your own fashion designs, then it’s not worth sharing it with the world
<ins>Hired assa—-I MEAN!!—-”disagreeable persons disposal unit_ (or DAPDU)”_</ins> : Mitsuaki Demoncy by XxharusuzukixX
<ins>Sniper rifle:</ins> Type 97 Sniper Rifle
<ins>Bad fashion designs inspired by:</ins>
<ins>P.S. The title of the comic comes from the British and Australian phrase “dressed for a dog’s dinner”, which means wearing something that makes you look silly in an attempt to dress for a formal occasion</ins>