Flash: H-here’s the soap Twilight.
Twilight: Aww, thank you Flash. (Takes the soap with her magic)
<flash door="" the="" towards="" walks=""></flash>
Twilight: Wait, Flash?
Flash: Y-y-yes, Twilight?
Twilight: Are you wearing your armor?
Flash: Nnno? W-why do you ask?
<clicking door="" flash="" noises,="" open="" the="" to="" tries=""></clicking>
Flash: Uuh, Twilight? Why did you locked the door?
Twilight: Because, you know what else I need besides soap?
Flash: W-w-what?
<twilight and="" aside="" at="" curtain="" him="" looks="" pushes="" seductively="" the=""></twilight>
Twilight: Your company.
Flash . . . . . . . . . Y-your word, i-is my command, y-your Highness.