Emerald tries to see if he can spot a way that the tower can get him outside without going through the main part of the building. From his perch he doesn’t see one, but that doesn’t necessarily mean there isn’t one.
Emerald looks down into the room. The fall into the room isn’t that bad. He could certainly do it unharmed. Especially if he hops onto the bookcase, and then maybe onto the lectern and then the floor.
Lastly he listens to see if he can hear anything. There is a lot of wind in his ears, but it doesn’t sound like there isn’t anyone nearby to him.
Emerald wishes he had brought something as a weapon. he looks over his shoulder at the roof, but there isn’t anything he could use there, not even a loose tile or a broken brick.
He climbs over and falls into the room, not quite as expertly has he had wanted, but making it unharmed.
*Fan Wiki*- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
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