Emerald and Ruby walk out of the store and back towards #304 Coursewalk, the colt hefting the bag of food as he goes.
“Sure you don’t want me to take it? I’m pretty strong you know.” Ruby remarks with a flex of a front leg.
Emerald says it’s fine. It makes him feel somewhat manly carrying the groceries, though he wouldn’t tell Ruby that.
“So, tell me about yourself Emerald.” Ruby says, turning towards him, “I feel like I’ve only really talked about me. Let’s hear about you some, it’s only fair!”
Emerald frowns… He doesn’t really want to talk about his past or anything. Maybe just a little bit would be fine, he guesses. Just so he doesn’t make Ruby feel like she is being disregarded.
After giving it some thought Emerald decides to tell her about how he got away from his step parents…
*Fan Wiki*- http://coltquest.wikidot.com/
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