In response to her joke, Emerald tells Joyride that she can joke all she wants, but it’ll never fill the void in heart, or in her vagina.
Ruby seems quite surprised by this attack, but Joyride just laughs and says,
“About time you started to dish it out! Or maybe you are just trying to impress your lady friend here?”
Joyride then walks over with some rice and some sort of spicy, aromatic sauce of some kind. The two foals eat, and Emerald has to admit that he quite enjoys it. It’s nothing like anything he’s eaten before.
The happy look is on Ruby’s face as well, and she says, “Whoa! What is this? It’s really good!”
“It’s called curry.” Joyride says, sitting down and eating some herself, “It’s from a faraway kingdom, and it’s rather hard to obtain around here, so make sure to enjoy it!”
Ruby certainly does, and she cleans her plate before Emerald and Joyride get halfway through theirs.
“So lil’ perv here tells me you want to join us on our little adventure here. Did he tell you what we were doing?” Joyride says, waving a curry filled spoon in the filly’s direction.
“Nope.” Ruby says, leaning back and patting her satiated stomach.
“We’re collecting ingredients for a potion that’ll let me orgasm. Do you know what that means?” Joyride says.
“Uh… No?” Ruby says, thinking on it a second.
“Well, maybe I can show you sometime.” Joyride says with a wink, “I need to know what kind of skills you can bring to the table. There are no free rides with me, and Emerald will back me up on this.” Joyride says, pointing to Emerald now.
“Skills? Err…” Ruby says, looking imploringly to the colt.
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