Suddenly realizing who the “ghost” might be, Emerald mentions that he is pretty sure he went on a date with the ghost.
This makes another shock of surprise pass across Ruby’s face, and Emerald laughs.
Emerald and Ruby make it to the kebab salesmen with no further trouble, though Emerald wonders if that is because they didn’t run into any guards on the way back. Emerald orders a mushroom kebab while Ruby buys one that is heavy on peppers.
Emerald asks if he can see her earring, and pulls out his own necklace, saying that he wants to see if the gem fits. Ruby takes off the earring, and holding the two close Emerald can see definite similarities between the construction of the two. He then places the earring over the top of the pendant.
It looks like it fits pretty well, though Emerald isn’t going to pull the jewel out of his mother’s pendant just to find out. He hands the earring back to Ruby, and asks her if she remembers where her mother got it specifically.
“Nope. I guess I never really asked about that. I just always thought of it as my mom’s… Why?” Ruby says, patting the earring and then putting it back on her ear.
Emerald bites his lip, and then tells her about his step parents, and where he got his pendant from. Including telling her what his step parent’s did to him.
“Ah… Hey, it’s okay. I know some other ponies who have to do that stuff with their body JUST to make ends meet… Though they are all mares, now that I think on it. Glad I don’t have to do that. Err, I mean! Sorry, that wasn’t very nice of me was it?” Ruby says, giving an apologetic smile.
Emerald says it’s okay, and the two continue to have some lighthearted chat… Though Emerald can’t help but notice that it’s almost time for him to be getting back for his appointment.
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