Snickerdoodle is a chef who owns a restaurant in Manehatten. Nothing too fancy, just a nice family restaurant where anyone can come in for a home cooked meal! As his name might imply, his favorite things to cook are desserts, specifically cookies! He’s very kind, a bit loud, silly and sometimes over enthusiastic about his work. Think of him as the “cool” dad everyone loves, but everyone is also terribly embarrassed by. Generally, he’s a very messy cook, so he often finds himself covered in whatever he might be cooking at the time. He’s known for greeting his customers while proudly wearing the day’s specials! Outside of cooking at his place of business he’s rather fond of teaching cooking classes, and dabbles in magic to make cooking easier.
Pumpernickel is…A sourpuss, and food critic. His home is in Canterlot, though he often travels to Manehatten to visit his brother. He’s generally quiet, intimidating, and not overly friendly. While he’s not a bad person, he can come off as someone rather cold. Smiles don’t come to him often, and he’d rather be focused on his work than socializing. His critiques are often harsh, blunt, and riddled with over-examination. But, he does his best to make his criticism constructive, so those who he judges may improve. No matter how harsh a judgment may be, he never lies, sugar-coats things, or exaggerates. One might call him the “Gordon Ramsay” of Equestria. But, even he has his lighter moments. Give him a good book or compliment his prized pocket watch and he just might smile a little for you. He’s also rather fond of music, particularly violins.
They come from the Rye and Cookie families(I haven’t drawn their parents and fully developed them yet, but I will be soon!). Their mother is Cuccidati (“Goochie-Ta-Ta” or “Goo-chee-dah-deez” depending on pronunciation. This is a cookie traditionally served on Christmas in Italtian families. My family has them every year due to our heritage!). Their father is Marble Rye (Marble Rye bread actually has Pumpernickel bread swirled in it a lot, so, I thought it’d make the perfect name for one of their sons!). Their parents are both retired due to old age, they’re around the same age as Granny Smith. But, they live in a small home in Manehattan not too far from where Snickerdoodle’s restaurant is located.