Just some scenario I had in mind. The raider is randomly created.
I was going to make a comic-like thing with these dialogues, but decided it might be better to just put them in the description, heh.
Inspired by Dusty’s Trails( https://aryion.com/g4/view/294508 ).
Zephyr: Dusty, look! I caught that troublesome raider!
Dusty: Sweet! Finally I can enjoy a full belly again. Grrrr
Raider: Let me go, you piece of shit! You’re going to pay for this!
Zephyr: Hey, it’s you that will be soon turned into it, not me.
Raider: You can’t be serious!
Zephyr: Heh, You got some nice booty there. Please do your best to fatten my Dusty up, will you?
Raider: …Mmmpph…Mmmph!
Dusty: Gulp
Dusty: Mnhg…so full…I think I’m too bloated to move, Zephyr…
Zephyr: Relax, just go sleep and digest. I’ll stay with you.
Dusty: Buuurp Oohng…Your belly rubs feels so wonderful~
Zephyr: Anything for you, Dusty. You’re so cute with a full belly and a pudgy butt. Not to mention that all the fat the raider is going to give you will make you even sexier.
Dusty: Gurgle Hehe…And I’m happy to be your plump little mare, Zephyr~
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