source description:
Double Diamond, Night Glider and their daughter Winter Gale.
After Starlight Glimmer escaped from their small town, Night Glider, Double Diamond, Party Favor and Sugar Belle returned to their home. For their part in the salvation of the town the other ponies who remained made them the new town leaders. Night Glider took control of the weather and with the aid of the pegasus ponies turned their once dry dusty town into a thriving oasis. Double Diamond took up guard duty, ensuring the town was safe from mountain dwelling diamond dogs, Windigos, and other such monsters. The two worked closely together and, having been close to dating while under Starlight’s control, began a courtship. They spent as much time as they could together, and eventually got married and had Winter Gale.
Winter Gale
Personality: Somewhat brash, with a determination to be one of the best guards their small town has ever seen. She is close with her father and the pair often go out skiing and snowboarding.
Cutie Mark: A snow cloud with three snowflakes, and two wind swooshes… IDK what you would call them…
Occupation: Town guard, weather pony. She makes sure the snow doesn’t come too far down into the village.
Night Glider, and Double Diamond belong to Hasbro
Winter Gale is mine