I did a bunch this time
As always, top to bottom, left to right:
1. Crab Apple is always a smol grump, especially with Honeycrisp, but they’re actually very close. Honeycrisp is ever amused at his brothers attitude and is almost always nice to him, though he jokes about Crab Apples crabbyness constantly. This only further pisses his little brother off.
2. a direct sequel to the drawing from here with Twilight and Dawn >>999440
Next Gen MLP dump by SkittyStrawberries
3. Older Mitzy, how they generally look on their respective boy and girl days.
4. Mitzy trying to “calm” Crab Apple down. Really they’re just comfortable and find Crab Apple very warm and a good place to nap.
5. BluSilurus Came up with the head canon that Crab Apple loves apple juice and that when Honeycrisp packs his lunch, he draws angry faces on the juice box.
6. I heard from BluSilurus that during her livestream they were discussing Prince/Geode headcanons and Tobi brought up Prince singing “Strong in the Real Way” to Geode. It fit’s their relationship pretty well. Also, shes eating from a bowl that he designated as “gems Geode is allowed to eat”. She carries it around like a basket and tries to pick gems off his other outfits.
7. The son of Soarin and Fleetfoot, his name is Astral Thunder. He’s fairly quiet, but he’s also competitive. Zap Apple considers him a rival of sorts.
8. I’ve never really drawn a group picture of my main six so I did it now. They’re all bffsies, though Enna, Dawn, and Prince consider themselves a trio of sorts. More from the picture, Prince has a huge crush on Zap Apple, and he’s veeeery open about it. Zap Apple doesn’t know what to make of it, so he usually ignores Prince’s flirting. Zap Apple looks grumpy in this particular picture but he’s actually one of the nicest of the group. As well as one of the most chill out of all of them.
If you guys have any headcanons you should absolutely let me know because it was a treat to hear about what other people came up with for Honeycrisp and Prince. I’ll probably draw it.