Velvet Remedy: OK everypony hold still for the picture!
1ST Pony: This will be an excellent time for an O*R*G*Y
2ND Pony: My hooves hurt, I’m gettin sick and I need to go to the bathroom. Nopony told being pregnant would be this difficult.
Calamity: Everypony say “Cheese!”
Velvet Remedy: This was an excellent idea. Now everypony will have prceious memories of this.
Puppysmiles: I know you can red my mind Mr Dust: [None](Velvet) Remedy: OK everypony hold still for the picture!
1ST Pony: This will be an excellent time for an O*R*G*Y
2ND Pony: My hooves hurt, I’m gettin sick and I need to go to the bathroom. Nopony told being pregnant would be this difficult.
Calamity: Everypony say “Cheese!”
Velvet Remedy: This was an excellent idea. Now everypony will have prceious memories of this.
Puppysmiles: I know you can red my mind Mr Dust: MEOW, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW, MEOW!
Littlepip: OK you are surrounded by sexy mares with hot flanks. Keep it together and try not to stain the floor with drool (slime)
Radiant Star: Violet will be surprised when she discovers I got a whole gallon of chocolate syrup!
Violet Iris: I can’t wait to show Star her present: a whole gallon of chocolate syrup!
Dust: Not even during these holidays I’m safe, always surrounded by those crazy mares. Fortunately all of them are lesbians, have a coltfriend and the only thing I need to do is to get away from the cyber pony. Wait, what did the filly said/thought?
Littlepip: OK you are surrounded by sexy mares with hot flanks. Keep it together and try not to stain the floor with drool (slime)
Radiant Star: Violet will be surprised when she discovers I got a whole gallon of chocolate syrup!
Violet Iris: I can’t wait to show Star her present: a whole gallon of chocolate syrup!
Dust: Not even during these holidays I’m safe, always surrounded by those crazy mares. Fortunately all of them are lesbians, have a coltfriend and the only thing I need to do is to get away from the cyber pony. Wait, what did the filly said/thought?
Happy Hearth’s Warming Eve!