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Sorry if I missed anyone on the list, that was a lot of tags O_O
Anyways, I’m M7Fire on DeviantArt if you want to check me out.
Here we have the character selection screen for yet another dream MLP Battle Simulator. Enjoy! :D
PLOT: In a PG Rated feral setting of MLP FiM (comedy/adventure/actual character development??), the Greek forces of Equestria go against the Norse forces of the Valkyrie Isles. The Viking Caribou as the main antagonist with their leader Dainn Reigndeer believe Equestria’s Goddess has slaughtered their own once upon a time in an ancient past and now wish to claim their land to justified their lost deity. Team up with old allies and even old foes like Gilda and Lightning Dust and battle familiar and new villains like Queen Chrysalis and the real Shadowbolts. Fight to save Equestria or conquer it! …mainly just save, but yeah xD
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