From the end of that fic I made XD It’s ridiculous how many people wanted to see this haha
The next morning was quiet and calm. All that could be heard was the remainder of raindrops dripping off the roof of the house. That, and the loud snoring of a dragon-pony hybrid. Anthea, who was still cuddled up by the green giant, laughed at the funny noises he was making. She gave him a little kiss on the chin causing him to grin in his sleep.
So cute, Annie said to herself.
Anthea? Are you awake? Called her mother from downstairs.
Annie was about to answer but before she could, T rolled over on top of the tiny unicorn, squashing her completely into the mattress of her bed. She squeaked as she felt a large amount of weight on her chest.
Annie? Fluttershy called again.
Ah, just a minute! Annie grunted. T! Get off of me!
Anthea began working up a sweat lifting T off of her chest. His body heat wasnt helping. She tried pushing him away but he fell right back on top of her. She began panting as he continued working hard to move the giant green mass off of her body and gasped for air after each time he collapsed on her again.
Mmph! Turquoise! Annie shouted. T finally opened his eyes slightly.
Wha? he said still in a daze.
Whats going on up here? Fluttershy asked, peeking in the room but immediately regretting her choice. Her face became completely red at the sight she saw.
Her sweaty, messy haired daughter. In bed. Breathing heavily. Under her coltfriend.
T turned his head around slowly, Annie still underneath him. Good morning, Ms. Fluttershy, he said with a big, dopey grin on his face.
He looked at the yellow pegasuss facial expression carefully, though, he couldnt read it very well. It was a mixture of horror, embarrassment, worry and even the slightest hint of anger.
Is something wrong? He asked innocently.