Claire: Hello there, Starburst! What brings you to Hearthfire Jewellery?
Starburst: Hey. I need a necklace or something for a fancy dinner thing I have this weekend.
Claire: Oh, how exciting! Any preferences?
Starburst: I really don’t care
Claire: I figured as much. I’ll go
Prism: enters the store Hey, Claire! Oh hey, Starburst, you’re here too.
Starburst: Hey
Claire: What do you want, Prism? I’m busy helping a valuable customer.
Prism: Hello to you too. Jeez. Anyways, my mom got me two tickets to see a Wonderbolts show. I think they’re overrated but they’re free tickets so why not right? I was gonna ask Whirlwind but she’s out of town and I was wondering if you wanna come with.
Claire: Why me?
Prism: Uh, I dunno cuz you’re old and have a boring life and need to get out more.
Claire: First of all, I’m not even remotely interested in flying and second of all, at least I have a life unlike you
Prism: I have a life!
Claire: And what exactly are you doing with this “life” of yours?
Prism: Enjoying it and having fun
Claire: Fascinating sarcasm
Prism: Whatever. Could you please just come with me?
Claire: My, my, a little desperate aren’t we?
Prism: I’m just asking you if you wanna come to the stupid show with me
Claire: Again, why me?
Prism: I dunno. Why not?
Claire: Is it because you still love me?
Prism: WHAT? NO!
Claire: stares knowingly
Prism: When we were kids. I had a crush on you when we were kids! And I kissed you that ONE TIME! Can we just forget it already? It doesn’t mean anything!
Claire: Mmmhm. Well, then, why don’t you ask Princess Starburst here?
Prism: F-fine! Hey Starburst, wanna go see the Wonderbolts with me?
Starburst: Um, sure?
Prism: Thank you! See, Starburst’s cool.
Claire: I know she is. Now run along. You have your date. I have my boring life to get back to.
Prism: It’s not a date! Starburst, I’ll pick you up at 6, ‘kay?
Starburst: O-okay
Prism: Great, see ya. And see you later old lady
Claire: Buh bye
Prism: leaves
Claire: That boy needs to grow up. Sorry I dumped him on you
Starburst: It’s alright, I like the Wonderbolts.
Claire: That’s not all you like, is it?
Starburst: Wha?
Claire: Nevermind.
Starburst: I didn’t know Prism had a crush on you.
Claire: Heh, yeeeeah. It was cute but he doesn’t seem to understand that I have a coltfriend now. Anyways, here are a couple necklaces I think you’ll look great in
Starburst: Okay, which one?
Claire: Oh, sweetheart, you’re going to need one for your dinner party and one for your date tonight
Starburst: I-it’s not gonna be a date! ………….Is it? I don’t wanna go on a date with him!
Claire: I’m just messing with you…. Kinda…
Starburst: What do you mean???
Claire: He took Whirlwind to a Wonderbolts show before he asked her out. I’m just saying.
Starburst: Is it too late to back out?
Claire: Why would you want to? I see the way you look at him and his pretty green eyes
Starburst: I said I liked his eyes ONCE! ONCE!
Yeah guys, I only mentioned she liked his eyes once
Anyways, I wanted to show some Prism/Claire interaction. Added in Starburst because I found it funny imagining Starburst sitting there listening to Prism and Claire going back and forth and admiring Claire for putting Prism in his place with only comebacks. CLAIRE THE MASTER OF COMEBACKS~!